Mexico Temporal or Permanente change of residence (Nov 2022)



As usual there have been some minor changes, and as usual some INM offices are unaware of them. I just did this process, so here what you have to do.

1) Know your former and current address

2) Have a utility bill showing your address, it does not have to be in your name, you will need a copy

3) You need your passport plus a copy

4) You need your resident card plus a copy of both sides


INM will tell you to go this web address and fill out the form https://www.inm, I believe this is forewarding to

This is wrong, it has changed, but what it now does is take you to template to fill out your change of address letter which you can print and sign. That is handy. Click the "Tramites Migratoria" box, then the "notificacion de cambiar de domocilo" box

Click "requisitos" then the " Carta para notificar cambio de domicilio" link You will see a form you can fill out and print and sign


Now, the form, what INM really wants is at


On this form select "Notificar cambios residentes temporales y permanentes" then "notification de cambio de domicilo:

This form should look familiar. Fill it out carefully with the info the same as on your passport, submit, then print it out (3 sheets). You need to take that with you to INM. Double check it, it is so easy to make a minor mistake and have to do it over.


You are done. I hope.