Deposits for 2025 or 2026 Trips.
Initial Deposit of $1500 on 2025 or 2026 trips by Credit Card, Click Here
Paying by other methods:
If you mail a check, send an email to our customer advisor at [email protected]. He sees credit card payments but not checks. He keeps a backup of payments. This also protects you against any price increases, even if it has not cleared. Checks must be certified.
Make it out to:
"France Chouinard" and mail to the address below.
We will email a receipt upon request. Please do not write anything on the check, we pay our taxes in Mexico, but you should write "For deposit only" on them.
You may send them in US funds to:
France Chouinard
313 Rue Morin
Riviere de Loup
Quebec, Canada
G5R 3R2
Use 2 stamps to ensure you have used enough postage for Canada