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Newsletter #24 Oct 10, 2022

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I was in Mexico the last week of September and traveled from Nogales to Teacapan, 70 km south of Mazatlan


This has been a bad season for late Hurricanes and 2 have impacted the west of Mexico. Hurricane Kay did considerable damage to the Baja and is one reason we have cancelled our Fall Baja trip, Another hurricane in Florida also created a couple of cancellations, so it was not longer viable. Our Spring Trip will run. Hurricane Orlene came ashore at Teacapan, south of Mazatlan and did some damage. We have spoken to Color Marino RV Park and they say the damage will be repaired by November. It had little impact on RV Parks in Mazatlan and Celestino. I encountered quite a bit of flooding and road damage left over from Hurricane kay. The toll highway south of Culiacan is still in rough shape as far as Mazatlan, The free road however is in good shape apart from the short connector between the 2, south of Culiacan. Access to parks in Celestino and Las Glorias is still hard, but should be fixed before the main season starts.

More woes over Pickup Truck permits :

Anyone trying to bring a pickup over a 1/2 ton into Mexico is aware of the issues. The restriction is supposed to be 3500 kg or 7710 lbs cargo capacity which Banjercito has been equating to GVWR. We stopped and argued the issue at Nogales and I was shown a recent memo from SAT (the rule issuing organization) stating that they now consider Cargo Capacity and GVWR to be the same (it is not). They would not let me photograph it. I have already had several reports of people being refused a permit

Now, if you are on one of our caravans and have a 3/4 or 1 ton truck, do not be concerned. We have considerably influence, and showing up with a large group at once helps as well. We are not, however, in the business of assisting independent travelers with this issue. You are on your own. Our customers are our concern. However I can offer some advice if you have a 3/4 ton or larger truck.

First use a crossing that has a resident Aduana. He can overrule Banjercito and issue an exemption. You will find them at La Paz, Nogales, Laredo and Mission . Maybe some others. Next take a picture of your rig hitched up, with the front plate readable and showing (move the one from the back if you have to) . Print it out on a full sheet of paper. If refused, show it, If still refused ask to see the Aduana. He can inspect the truck and determine it is being used for recreational purpose and hopefully issue an exemption. Nogales is still your best bet, you will have more trouble at Texas crossings.

Caravans :

- 1 space available on Jan Yucatan - All Mexico  90 Day
- 5 spaces on Early Jan Baja 36 day

- 2 spaces on Copper Canyon-Colonial 65 Day mid January

- Possible upcoming openings on early January Copper Canyon 31 Day with optional 2 month long stay extension (The extension is 2 months and costs $300 US. You pay for your own RV parks on the extension. It will be a beach stay at Boca Beach and Melaque, and re-enter the US at end of March)

Email Paul at [email protected] to check current status on any trips showing low vacancies. The booking link is

2024 and Total Solar Eclipse:

There is limited space on 15 & 25 day stand alone Solar Eclipse tours in April 2024. Yucatan 2024 is Full. There is space on Copper Canyon Colonial and Copper Canyon with extension in 2024. Both will include the eclipse.

We have been forced to raise Canadian prices. They are now based on a 73 cent USD instead of a 78 cent USD where it was in May. This has meant a significant increase. If the Canadian dollar goes up before departure, we will lower the final payment accordingly. The Canadian dollar has also dropped a lot against the Peso, which is why we had to raise the prices.

Spaces for "stand alone" trips to the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024 are filling fast. See Eclipse. I highly advise making a deposit sooner than later for these.

The booking link is


I am flying to Puerto Vallarta on Oct 11th, I will be driving to Guadalajara and Melaque so I may issue a supplemental newsletter if there is anything to report.









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