Mexico RV Caravan Tours

Mexico RV Caravan Tours





Before you sign up please read the Code of behavior link below and the dog link, if you have one. If you unwilling to follow either, then you should reconsider signing up. We would rather lose a customer than have a trip damaged for all the others on it.


Code of behavior- all customers please read before booking CODE

Are you bringing a dog? Please read THIS

Please read and agree to our terms in the sign up form. You can read our terms HERE. They will appear in a new window



1) Covid restrictions are removed, but we would like you to tell the Wagon Master if not vaccinated

2) You have Residente Permanente status in Mexico. (contact us for details, may not affect Baja trips)

3) You have a truck larger than a 1 ton, or an HDT (contact us, it should not affect Baja trips)

4) You have a criminal record (may not matter, depending)

5) You are unwilling to leave your gun at home or intend to bring illicit drugs.

6)Your vehicle is company owned (even your own), or in a trust, or has a lien on it from a financial institution. Contact us first for details on how to handle those issues before you book.



These are our payment policies for 2025 trips (Credit card buttons at bottom of page)


NOTE - Until you make a deposit you are not signed up and on trips that are almost full you may lose your slot.

You may pay by Credit Card, US Check, Canadian Check, Money Orders, Cash or Canadian E-transfers. There are 4 possible payments in total.


Failure to pay by due dates can result in your spot being given away and forfeiture of deposit. (transferable to another trip still)

1) Initial Deposit (please visit Deposit to make a deposit (new window). They are $1500 US or $2000 Canadian.

2) First Payment of approx 50% usually due by Mar 1st, 2024. This is frequently flexible depending on when you signed up.

3) Second payment of approx 50%. Some, or all of this may be apyed in uS cash at the border or by Canadian e-transfer


3,5% is deducted from the final payment for all previous payments not paid via Credit Card, including the final payment.

Checks or money orders should usually be received prior to March 1st or Oct 15th and post dated for those dates.

IMPORTANT: Please send an email to our customer advisor, if you mail a check or send an e-transfer. He sees credit card payments, but not checks or e-transfers. He maintains an independent backup record of payments.


Checks should be made out to "France Chouinard" . Canadian e-transfers should be sent to [email protected]. Question is "who is your spouse" answer is "gabriel".

Everybody will receive individual invoices for final payments close to departure. The amount of the approx 50% payment will be sent to you


Paying by Certified Check: Note, Should usually arrive by Mar 1st (first payment) or Oct 15 (second payment).

You should write "For Deposit Only" on checks.

If you wish to pay via check, US or Canadian, make it out to "France Chouinard", have it certified, and mail it to

This Address :

France Chouinard

313 Rue Morin

Riviere du Loup

Quebec, Canada

G5R 3R2

Americans use 2 stamps to ensure you cover the correct postage to Canada



Canadians may also use e-transfer. E-Transfer to [email protected] . Question "who is your spouse". Answer is "gabriel" .

Our terms are at TERMS