LTV TRIP AVAILABILITY Spring 2025. Trips for 2026
As of August 2023, there are 2 trips planned on the Baja. Both are currently full, but you can wait list. The date of trip 1 is Jan 11, Trip 2 is Jan 17.
The trip price is $5450 USD. Do not deposit on this trip until we tell you space is available. Any questions, contact Paul here or call 360-483-7933 (cell).
If both trips are full, we also have our non LTV trip which is identical in price and itinerary and will likely run around Feb 20th. If it gets booked up with LTV's, so be it. You can reach that link Here
Please contact Colleen at [email protected] for availability before filling out the form on the booking page. book.html
We plan to run one Baja trip in 2026 and possibly a mainland Copper Canyon, Colonial cities and beaches trip. This would include the monarch butterflies and possibly the Mazatlan Carnival as well as Copper Canyon. We are even looking into it as a 2025 possibility. About 65 to 70 days in length. If either of these interest you send an email to myself at [email protected]. No obligation, but it gives us an idea of viability.